James York's homepageIII

👋 Welcome to my homepage!

Here you'll find links to all of my projects. Check out the navigation bar above to be linked to each project, or read on to learn more about what I'm into.

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🎲 Ludic Language Pedagogy

My research at Meiji University is centered on the application of games and play in language and literacy teaching contexts. As part of my research and teaching, I started an open-access, open peer-reviewed journal with Jonathan deHaan. The journal is a place for teachers and researchers to publish their work on the use of games and play (Ludic) to teach language and literacy skills (Language) with a strong focus on what the teacher did (Pedagogy).

You can find out more about the journal here.

⛏ Kotoba Miners

Kotoba Miners is a Japanese language school that I created in Minecraft. However, we do not just use Minecraft. Recently, we have been playing other games such as Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes and reading manga together like Yotsuba&! and others. The best way to join us is the Kotoba Miners Discord server here
Some more info about Kotoba Miners

  • I stream lessons on Twitch (sometimes).
  • If you'd like a private Japanese lesson with me, consider becoming a Patreon.
  • You can find an archive of recordings on my YouTube channel.